Driving the Future: UpdatePromise & TraXtion Redefine Automotive Service with Integrated CEMS

by Curtis Nixon - Wed, Mar 13, 2024 1:36 PM

This groundbreaking partnership underscores the growing importance of tire services in the landscape of vehicle maintenance, especially within the service drives of new car franchises. Tires, as a crucial component of automotive safety and performance, have emerged as a key driver of consumer retention. They represent recurring service needs that offer dealerships regular touchpoints with customers. The integration of advanced diagnostic tools and management systems allows for an unprecedented level of service and efficiency.

Transparency in Service: Utilizing near-real-time visual displays of tire tread depth and alignment conditions enhances the trust between the dealership and the consumer, promoting transparency in service recommendations and actions taken.

Efficiency in Operations: The patented technology from TR Wholesale Solutions, also known as TireRack, integrated into UpdatePromise’s workflow optimization tools, significantly reduces the Manual Process Integration (MPI) cycle time. This streamlines the service process, allowing technicians to deliver quicker, more accurate service.

Consumer Safety: By prioritizing the communication of tire safety conditions, the partnership ensures that safety is at the forefront of the customer experience. This aligns with the ethos of brands like American Honda that are dedicated to the well-being of their customers.

Comprehensive CEMS Solutions: UpdatePromise’s CEMS solution encapsulates the entire customer journey from appointment scheduling to follow-ups, including vehicle check-in, video and photo MPI, automated AI status updates, integrated service price guides, and more. This all-inclusive approach offers a seamless experience to the consumer while helping the dealership manage its operations more effectively.

Cost Optimization: With an integrated CEMS, dealerships can reduce costs associated with multiple software and processes, consolidating operations into a single, efficient workflow.

Customer Retention and Satisfaction: The ease of scheduling, the assurance of quality service by certified technicians, and the transparent communication all contribute to a heightened customer experience, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

By focusing on the comprehensive health of the vehicle during tire service appointments, OE dealers can offer a unique value that goes beyond cost. They can ensure the proper handling of specific tire requirements for different vehicle models, leverage high-quality equipment for tire services, and provide a complete inspection that certifies the overall condition of the vehicle.





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